Get personalized treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.
Our services
We service various mental health concerns, but specialize in working with teens, young adults, and women of all ages.
Overwhelmed by life? Tired of trying to figure it out all on your own? My specialization will help you find focus and calm amidst the chaos of everyday. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life.
Grief and Loss
Consumed by 'what ifs', financial burdens, decision making, and responsibilities that you didn't have before. Walking with someone through the pain of grief and loss allows for healing, remembering, tools to cope with change, and gaining strength and hope for the future.
Life is unpredictable. We all have experienced events that are hard to understand and process. My Certification in EMDR therapy will provide space for processing the past in the present and finding peace for the future.
Feeling alone on the journey to parenthood. My personal story gives me a unique perspective and understanding of this experience. In partnering together, I will walk with you in the loneliness and provide support and encouragement as we journey together.